How to get over writers block

How to get over writers block

I know it's not just me that deals with this, almost everyone I see online or talk to explains to me how they're dealing with writers block. Sometimes they say how it can last months. Well I want to talk to you about some of the strategies I take to get over writers block and also rarely get it.
Some of these might be totally common sense to you and others might open your mind to something you didn't even realize. I hope you enjoy...

Don't Believe in it -
Yeah I know it sounds stupid but it's true, if you don't believe in writers block you can't mentally get it. If you genuinely believe that writers block is not a real thing then you won't hit points where you feel less creative and go "oh i'm in a writers block". You personally can never get writers block when you think this way, of course you will hit those moments where you don't feel inspired but it's fine it's natural. This is why I made this article, to make that feeling go away. I recently went through a "writers block" and for me a realized I was overly stressed trying to do too much at once. I used something I'll teach you in this article to get over it.

Be Connected With The Community -
You would be surprised how much drive you get from watching other people do what you want to do or make a song you wish you could make. What I like to do is hop on a call with some homies and just have fun, open up Ableton and screw around. When I do this I make some of the best tracks I've ever made and have a blast. My track "Farewell" was made this way, just hanging with a few homies and trying out some new techniques. It is a fantastic way to get over a writers block or low motivation.
Same goes with going to shows and festivals and shooting the shit with other artists, stuff like this is super motivating! You get to hear what other people like doing when they make tunes and maybe their process behind it. It's also a really good way to just build up a drive to work on something new, its a great fuel for your creativity tank.
Another thing you can do is watch artists that make vlogs of them playing at festivals and doing what you'd dream to do. I do this with James Hype, he does some crazy shit and grinds day and night for what he has. He's a great artist to watch when you're feeling low on motivation, at this point I can't make it through a video without feeling the urge to DJ.

Just Get The F*ck Away -
You don't need to suffer and make music or be creative every waking second, take some time for yourself. I struggle with this sometimes, if i'm not doing something to get to the next step I feel like i'm falling backwards. But honestly, what i've learned is you need those off days to refuel to then be able to grind after. You will be better and more efficient if you take time away from what you're doing. Maybe take a day and go for a hike with some friends, get off your screen and enjoy yourself.

Mix It Up -
Sometimes doing the same thing over and over again gets old, just like eating the same thing everyday it gets old right. If you find yourself only making new music and it's the same process every time maybe take a step back and watch some videos on new techniques or take a lesson from an artist you look up to. You don't need to only create to get to the next step, remember you still need to consume to stay on top of things. What's the next hot song? What did your friends just come out with? Wtf are people dressing like now? Who know's, all I know is you gotta be on top of that shit if you wanna be relevant unfortunately.

Make sure to have a balance of consuming, creating, reflecting and learning. Do all these things consistently and you'll be at the top. Remember you need to take everything day by day. Think about how much you've done in a year span, just because you didn't make a track for a week doesn't mean you're a failure, it means you're off balance and you need to reflect which means you probably need to consume and learn then create.

It's a game, the fun part about it is that everyones game is a little different. 🩶
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